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Awakener: The shortest adventure

This entire game takes place only in one single scene. Fortunately, there's a lot of characters, so it's pretty funny.

When you look at the game Awakener, at first glance you will be attracted by the fact that it's really a classic adventure. It features hand-drawn graphics, classical music and simple animations. Its plot is not complicated, nor you should expect any major development of its story. But again, this game is completely free.

What is at stake here? There is not too much information directly in the game, but according to the description it is so that a little boy named Fadi got permission to visit his Aunt Sylvia. But there is, as it turns out, a small problem: Before the fence of his aunt's business someone is sleeping and it is not possible to wake him up. What is her business? Did we say it is a pub? Okay, we just said it now... And the sleeping man at the pub is probably not very good for her business.

And so Fadi is sent to solve the problem. And you are going with him. You can expect meeting with a nude statue, with an assassin, but also with a little girl who is nibbling not very tasty nibbles. If you feel we reveal too much here, it is not true: All these characters mentioned above you can see in the very first - and only - scene.

Yet thanks to so many characters you can enjoy the game. You just have to discover all objects, which will help you to finish your task. Some of them are quite small, but you can move your finger over the screen and at the appropriate locations the game shows names of items which are located there.

If you are wondering how to wake up a guy at Fadis' aunt's pub, what problem has the statue and what exactly everybody wants, download this game. At the time of writing it has 4.1 stars on Google Play from players: They appreciated the overall concept - and the humor of the dialogues. Less they enjoy some obstacles when playing on devices with small displays and the fact that the game is very, very short.

We must add that the game frozen one time on one of our testing devices. But it was probably just an unfortunate accident. And as for the headline of this article? This adventure game is probably the shortest meaningful game of this kind in the World. We admit that we are not entirely sure, but shorter adventure, we just have not seen. If you do, be sure to share it with us and other readers here in comments.

The game can be downloaded for free on Google Play here:

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